My Story

  I've always had this lifelong dream of being an engineer. Through high school and college, I gave it my all to make it happen. I excelled in my engineering classes, but there was always this sense that something was missing.

  It took me three long years to finally put my finger on it. The lightbulb moment arrived during my Thermodynamics II final, where we had to build an ideal diesel and gas engine using Matlab. I'd dabbled in programming before with CS150, but most of it had slipped from my memory. With an A in the class, I couldn't afford to tank this final worth 30% of my grade. So, I rolled up my sleeves, spent around 50 hours wrestling with what should've been a straightforward project, and earned that A.

  While I'd always been curious about computer science, it was this seemingly basic project that gave me the confidence to jump into programming. As I immersed myself in the dynamic world of coding, exploring the ever-evolving tech and engaging with a vibrant, supportive community, that missing piece in my engineering puzzle disappeared. Engineering was amazing, but coding felt like I was on the cutting edge of technology. Surrounded by this ambitious community and ever-changing tech, I found my excitement for learning and working anew. Since that pivotal project, I've been deep into web development, with a strong commitment to continual learning and skill improvement for the future.