Seth Martin Yates

Tools Used

Stripe Payment API

Project Overview

Features for Users: A dynamic, responsive e-commerce site. This site allows users to interact and buy artwork intuitively. Users can add items, view items, delete items, and checkout and pay. Depending on the outcome of the checkout, users are either directed back to the home page, with a 'welcome back' toast, or to a 'Thank you' page. With Stripe Payment you can set up automatic email recite, so the user will get a confirmation after purchase. This site is in active use, and my client is very happy with it.

Implementation: This site was built in two separate parts. The FrontEnd(hosted on Nelify) and the BackEnd(hosted on Heroku). The FrontEnd was built with react-bootstrap. The FrontEnd can be broken down into four key parts. Routing, allows users to instantly go to separate pages. The Context is where all the global state is stored. The Cart, CurrentItem, Products, and functions are all stored in this context. The Reducer, allows users to modify the state in the context(add, delete items). The Axios API call is what connects to the BackEnd by sending the current Cart data.
The BackEnd was built with node.js and Express. It receives the POST request from the FrontEnd and dynamically builds the prebuilt Stripe Payment page, using the Stripe Payment API. If the payment is a success then users are sent to the 'Thankyou' page or if it was canceled sent to the Home screen.